Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Today Marmie, April, and Elisabeth came to visit us! Another beautiful picture taken of her and Marmie!!

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This is the cute little outfit her Granna bougt for her while she was staying with us. I thought she looked adorable and had to post these pictures.

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Yesterday KK and I ran to Target while Rick watched Ana-Patrick. When I got home he was 'using the restroom' and I couldn't find Ana-Patrick. Rick had put her in her crib to nap for the first time so I had to get pictures. We are going to start letting her sleep in her crib starting tomorrow night. She didn't seem to mind.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Her cousin Gabby! This was the first time Gabby saw Ana-Patrick and I think she was pretty excited. Gabby is going to be our babysitter!

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Ana-Patrick gave her grandpa a framed picture of him taking care of her right after her birth. She expects to see this picture hanging immediately!

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Finally, a picture with GRANDMA!!!! Ana-Patrick spent a good part of Christmas eve in her grandma's lap. She loves her so much! I think Grandma is happy as well.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

She has so many Christmas outfits and I had so much fun putting them all on her. The first picture she is in her LSU santa shirt. The third picture is her Christmas pj's that her Granna gave her. (That is the name my mom decided on for Ana-Patrick to call her). How cute is our little girl? Truly the BEST Christmas gift ever. We are so thankful that God put her in our lives. She is an answer to many prayers.

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She is so loved! The first picture was taken yesterday morning when my dad, Robert, and his girlfriend Jenny were all sitting just adoring Ana-Patrick. I love capturing all these moments so that she will have so many memories to look back on. And of course the second picture is Uncle James and Aunt Sissy playing with their favorite niece.

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This is her very special Christmas gift given to her from her Uncle James (that is what my little brother wants to be called). It is a stuffed giraffe because he had one growing up named Godfrey that he was unseperable from. I know she is going to love her Godfrey and carry it with her always.

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She FINALLY got to meet her Uncle Robert!! This picture means so much to me. Robert's face says it all, he is in love. She loves him too! I will cherish this picture forever and I can't wait until Ana-Patrick grows up and can see how much she was loved from the very beginning.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Today Ana-Patrick had her first check-up with her grandpa so we decided to dress her in her cute Christmas outfit that my sister gave her. She is getting more and more adorable to me every single day. She has gained 1 pound and grown 2 inches already. Everything is great and her grandpa, grandma, and aunt were so proud to show her off at his office. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little angel.

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PeePaw is finally here. She wouldn't take a bottle from me or Rick but she did from PeePaw. I love seeing him with her. She loves him so much!

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

My mom brought Ana-Patrick her first pair of crocs so we just had to try them on and see what they looked like on. I know she is probably thinking why do these people keep putting these shoes on that are too big. LOL! But really, how cute does she look?!

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Today we had to start putting vaseline on her lips because they are so chapped. She is constantly sticking her tongue out and rubbing it on her lips. She looked so cute in her LSU outfit today. In the third picture we tried to capture the look she had on her face after I put the vaseline on. You would have thought we rubbed the nastiest tasting thing ever on her lips. She makes us laugh so much with all her many faces that she makes.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

We are so excited because she is finally able to wear some of her other clothes. When we first brought her home she could only wear these little shirts that my cousin Brea had given her. (Thank you so much Brea) Today her shirt says "Mom and Dad's best present ever". My aunt Jill gave her this shirt. I love the picture of her and Rick because you can see how much he loves her. I know it seems as though I am never holding her but I promise I do. I just realized that there are not any pictures of me with her. I will have to work on this.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

So Rick and I are completely in love with her spikey hair. It has already grown since last week when she was born. Her hair is definately lighter than both of us expected but I still think it will get dark. I know that I pretty much have no shot at her resembling me, but I am okay with that. I married Rick for a reason, LOL.

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So I cannot post pictures about one of her great-grandmothers without posting pictures about the other. This is her Gran. If you guys do not know this already, I AM Gran's FAVORITE grandchild so you can imagine how special Ana-Patrick is to her as well. LOL. I am kind of joking, but not really. It really meant so much to us that Gran and Jill and Peyton drove all the way from Shreveport to come and see our little angel. She LOVES her Gran!! Ana-Patrick is also the first great grandchild on my mom's side of the family. She is gonna be spoiled.

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We had such a special day yesterday with her Marmie! Ana-Patrick is the first great-grandchild and it was truly one of the most special moments seeing the way Marmie looked at her. We literally spent 5 hours sitting in the living room, TV on but on mute, Marmie holding Ana-Patrick, just talking. It was a day I needed more than anything. The second picture is most precious to me because Marmie is standing underneath the quote that is painted in Ana-Patrick's room. It says, God bless you with loving kindness and tender mercies. Marmie has said this to all of her grandchildren from day one before tucking us in to bed or any other time. Ana-Patrick LOVES her Marmie.

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