Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Friday, January 30, 2009

She had to get comfortable after our outing today so I put her in this adorable outfit that Johnie and Liz sent her. The shoes were a little big but she liked them on!! She's so CUTE!!

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My mom bought this dress for Ana-Patrick to wear because I brought her to show off at my doctor's appointment today. It is the cutest dress and she looked adorable. She got to wear her black patent shoes again!

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Monday, January 26, 2009

First of all, I am SUPPOSED to be studying right now. LOL! But I had to play dress up and put her black patent shoes. She loves them. My mom, her Grana, bought them of course.

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She was so tired she couldn't even hold on to her pacifier!!

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I think Lewis is in love! He snuggled up to her again today!!

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Go Saints! My Aunt Jill and Gran gave her this outfit and she slept in it last night. How cute!

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

I was so jealous when I took these pictures because I had just taken a break from studying and saw these three being lazy together. This is our cat, Lewis, and he jumped up on the couch with Rick and Ana-Patrick. He loves his sissy. (I have to put a picture of our other cat Reggie up)

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This was her first outfit for the day! She is SO CUTE!

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I took this picture last night after she had her bath and FINALLY went to sleep. We had to put socks over her hands because they were cold but she hates having them covered up. I think this picture is so sweet!

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Finally, a day with her other family. We had so much fun spending the afternoon with them today. My favorite thing about these pictures is how happy they all are just holding Ana-Patrick. I can SEE the LOVE that they have for! We really are lucky!

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Finally, a picture with her Mommy! These were taken right before we made our way to grandma and grandpa's house. (Rick's parents) She looked absolutely adorable! Notice the UGG boots again.

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Rick took this picture this morning and I LOVE it. Don't worry, she didn't sleep like this. Rick went to go warm her bottle and I 'watched' her. LOL! We both fell asleep. I love her smile!!

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

How sweet are these two? She is definately a Daddy's girl!

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Like a Little Stuffed Sausage

 This picture is priceless! Last Thursday night Rick kept Ana-Patrick while I had class and he sent me a text message in class showing me what he dressed her in to go to bed. This was a premie outfit that we had to buy for her when she first came home from the hospital because everything was too big for her to wear. Obviously, she is a growing girl. I laughed and asked Rick how she didn't pop a button off.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today was the first day that KK kept Ana-Patrick while I went to clinicals. We are so thankful for KK because she is helping more than we ever could have hoped for. She is the BEST sister. Anyway, I took these pictures because I wanted to capture this outfit KK dressed her in. The little frog t-shirt is adorable and a gift from KK that she brought last night. How did I know she would put these socks on her? They had a great day and KK laughed when I asked her if she held her ALL day...

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Monday, January 12, 2009

This has to be one of her funniest moments yet! This morning Rick had to go to Baton Rouge for work so it was just the two of us here. It was time for her to eat and evidently I was not getting the bottle fast enough for her so she started sucking her thumb. The funny thing is how she sucks her thumb; she usually has her thumb in her mouth but the rest of her fingers spread across her face. I am so glad that I was able to capture this!! Hope it makes your day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I realized that I have not put any pictures of her room up yet. My mom did an amazing job on making all of her crib set, including the bumper pads, and the curtains. Her room really is the cutest LSU room ever. My mom also tied little pink ribbons on all of the tigers!

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

We finally went back to church tonight for the first time since she was born. So of course this meant we had to 'dress her up'. The dress and shoes that she has on in these pictures are two very special gifts that were given to her. Gran, my awesome grandmother, gave the dress to Ana-Patrick and intended on this being the dress she came home from the hospital in but it was too big for her at that time. Carolyn, Gran's cousin and my cousin, gave the shoes to her. If you look in the picture of her shoes you can see that have her initials on them. She slept through worship service at church and then woke up to eat. All in all it went better than we had expected and she looked adorable.

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I took this video to capture her expression and sounds after consuming the entire 4 ounces in her bottle this morning. She is a growing girl. I am amazed to see little things in her development like the way she follows the camera while I am recording. Hope you all enjoy. By the way, it has been a while since my last post because things have been pretty difficult around our house. LOL! She is learning how to use her voice to get what she wants and needs constant entertainment. I know, just the beginning...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Her New Swing!

This is a video of the first time we put her in her new swing! I put this up as requested by her Pee-Paw!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Somebody woke up with an 'attitude' this morning so we thought this shirt was very fitting. Her Uncle Robert and almost-Aunt Jenny gave her this funny shirt. I put these socks on her to 'dress' it up. LOL! She made Rick and I laugh this morning.

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Friday, January 2, 2009

This is her in her new swing. We bought it today at Wal-Mart. She LOVES it. She has a little smile on her face in the first picture!!

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