Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Saturday, February 28, 2009

She is wearing her 'She-Monster' shirt again today. When she wore it this past week she spit up on it twice right after I put it on her so I needed to see it again today! The socks are new! They are so cute and she has them in EVERY color.

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My friend from school, Donna, came over yesterday and finally got to meet Ana-Patrick! As you can see, Ana-Patrick really liked her!

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

She is wearing her giraffe gown that her cousin Peyton gave to her and she is with her Godfrey! This is the only picture I could take because she knows after bath comes BOTTLE!!

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Her Tia is finally here!! My aunt, Jill, drove in from Shreveport today to be here for Ana-Patrick's dedication at our church. The photo in the top left corner is of the two of them holding her new 'add a pearl' necklace that Tia and Sweety (my grandmother) gave her. It is the most special necklace. All of these photos are GREAT!!

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I think Reggie NEEDS attention!! He kept rolling on the floor all around her playmat until I pet him. It was so funny!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We finally put her play mat out and she loves it. The little star on the top plays music and shines a red light and got so excited watching it.

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SHE-MONSTER!!!!! This is my FAVORITE shirt and one of the first things that I bought for her to wear. It's called 'she-monster' and it makes me bust out laughing everytime I look at her. WOW! She is the most amazing thing in my life (except for Rick of course!).

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2 snapshots I took today...She is laughing in the first picture!!

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These are her new pj's that Marmie gave her! She loves staring at the little bugs on her feet!

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Monday, February 23, 2009

We had fun today! I am off from school this entire week and I am so happy that I get to spend time with her without having to study 24/7. I took these pictures while we were playing this morning!

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Obviously Reggie spent the weekend in Ana-Patrick's Boppy chair! He jumped right in it last night after we got home. Rick let me take this picture before he made Reggie get out!

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This is one of my very best friends since 4th grade, Kerri, and her mom. They came over on Sunday morning to visit and see Ana-Patrick! Ana-Patrick giggled and laughed the entire morning while they were over. It was such a great day!

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This is one of her most treasured outfits that my Mom bought. It says, "For the Haves and Have nots" and it has real Swarovski crystals on it. LOL! It has its own hanger with plastic hanging bag. She's so cute!!

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Laughing with her Marmie!!! I love her face when she laughs!

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She's just relaxing in bed with her P-Daddy (This is what my Dad has now decided that he wants to be called. He thought this up after a conversation with my older brother, Robert, who is now ENGAGED!! We love Jenny and are so excited for them!)

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We spent the weekend in Lake Charles visiting with my side of the family! These are the first of the pictures I took.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

And as you can see, she is not a happy little girl this afternoon. Her outfit is so cute though!

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I had to post these two pictures individually because they are two of my favorites. Rick told me that Grandma snatched her right up as soon as he walked through the door! She loves Ana-Patrick. Min is getting her to smile in the second picture!

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