Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Monday, March 30, 2009

Her New Baby Doll

Granna bought her a new baby doll today and she LOVES it. Her name is "Rosie" and she is so soft and cuddley, just like her Granna (says my Mom who is looking over my shoulder right now, LOL).

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Shopping is Exhausting

This is the shape she was in when Mom, Ana-Patrick, and I got home from shopping this afternoon. She really is the most well behaved baby. Everyone always stops me and says how they cannot believe how good she acts. I just smile and say thanks; but there is a little conceitedness to my thoughts. (Just kidding) It was a fun day and one that I desperately needed.

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Sweet Angel

She is so sweet! She keeps getting cuter and cuter every day!

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

One of the great things about this blog is that it makes my parents miss Ana-Patrick so much that they pack up and drive 3 hours to come and see her. We are excited to have them here!

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"My Flippy Flops"

Her new flip-flops! My mom brought them today and I love them! Her feet look so cute!

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I cannot believe how big she has gotten. It seems like just this past week she has grown more than she did last month total. She used to nap in this Boppy pillow, but now she doesn't even fit in it. Rick dressed her this morning and the outfit makes me laugh. I guess he didn't do that bad though.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

I forgot to explain about the music situation...If you want to mute the music so you can watch the videos, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the blog and you will see the player with a pause button.

We are so excited to share her newest achievement! Hope you enjoy watching this amazing video!

These pictures are by request from my little brother. I cut 6 inches off my hair on Thursday (I know my Gran is freaking out!) and Michael wanted to see pictures. So here you go...

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Friday, March 27, 2009

First of all, how cute is her smile? I have been looking through all of the pictures we have of Ana-Patrick (we actually have a folder, Ana-Patrick, that contains 748 pictures of her) and I have noticed that she is smiling in almost all the pictures. We are so lucky to have a happy, healthy baby. She is so much fun. In these pictures, Rick was barely holding her up while she stood on the bed. So exciting!!

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I never imagined that watching a baby roll over from her stomach would be such a huge event until today. Rick and I watched Ana-Patrick make the move from her stomach to her back. She did it all on her own and it was amazing. I will cherish memories like these forever!

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We let her have a little tummy time today. Rick and I are just so amazed at her development. It is so awesome to watch our precious creation grow and develop!

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This is one of my very best friends, Michelle, getting to spend some time with us today. Unfortunately, we had to work on a project for school (she is in nursing school too) but we always have fun!

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Good morning! I am playing around with different features for the blog. If you notice odd things being done to the web page, they are probably a result of my experimenting. I will post pictures in a little bit. Have a great day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earlier today, I was holding Ana-Patrick and just enjoying being in the moment. I felt so peaceful looking down and seeing her sweet face. I want to share this with all of you and hope you can experience peace.

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I think this is a cute snapshot that I took of her today. The girl definitely has learned to love the camera.

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