Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Splish Splash

Boy did she have fun in the bathtub tonight! Rick called me in the room to see her latest thing...the first picture shows it all! He said as soon as he put her in the tub she grabbed her feet like this. LOL! I love the second picture as well. She really is such a happy baby. (Funny that as I am typing this very moment I can hear her Enjoy these pictures!

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monkey Girl

How cute are these pajamas? Her Tia gave them to her and they are very fitting because she is now obsessed with her feet and she is constantly grabbing both of them at the same time. I love her face in the second picture. It says, "What? What did I do?" I am so glad to be home again at night to spend time with her before she goes to sleep. Keep me in your prayers as I make a decision about working in the next week or so. I am conflicted about working days or nights.

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This her new thing! She puts her arm behind her head and just relaxes while drinking her bottle. She is so funny!

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This shirt is the funniest thing ever! My mom bought this for Ana-Patrick in San-Antonio. It is a cowgirl's body with boots on. She was just hanging out on her play mat being a good little girl. Actually, I think she was watching Rick folding laundry. He's so good! OH YEAH, She rolled over from her back to her stomach today!!! She is so advanced, lol!

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Kitty Cats

She loves Reggie and Lewis. It is so funny when she pets them. She takes her little fingers and grabs at their fur. They are the best cats because they just look at me and let her do her thing. We were spending time together, the four of us, this afternoon after I woke up. (I worked nights this past weekend) You can definitely tell that Reggie likes the attention!

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The aftermath

Here's what was left of her new meal. We were surprised that she ate all of the green beans the first time we fed them to her. She is such a good girl!

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Catch that baby!

Those of you that know me know why we called her a 'thief' in this picture!

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mmm Grean beans!!!

We decided to try out some veggies. Although the faces might indicate that she hated the green beans, the aftermath proved that she liked them. (see pictures above)

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New Do

As she grows more hair, I get more to style after bath time. This is Rick's creation!

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Little Hornets fan

Someone finally decided to break the gear and dress up for the Hornets playoff games!

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Saturday, April 25, 2009


I think she is definitely going to be a football fan, like her Mommy and Daddy! The first picture is my new favorite picture of her! She was having fun watching the Saints make their first round pick in the NFL draft!

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OH MY GOODNESS! HOW CUTE? We are watching the NFL draft and Ana-Patrick and her daddy were all geared up cheering for the Saints!

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They were waiting in anticipation to see who the Saints were going to pick in their first round draft pick!

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