Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Her Kitty Kitty

Rick called me to come and look down the hall this afternoon to see Ana-Patrick sitting on Lewis' back (Rick was holding her of course). I couldn't get the picture in time but I did get these of her 'chasing' after him. She LOVES her kitty cats and they are so good with her.

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Basketball Jones

This is what she started out playing with this morning. Her Grandpa gave her this ball! Thanks Grandpa (Mendoza)!!

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Play Time

Look at the big girl sitting up playing on her mat! I think this video is so sweet!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And Finally...

She was getting mad while I was trying to get her lunch ready so I put her sunglasses on to see if they were truly 'magic'. THEY REALLY ARE! She just sat there and played with her bib until I got her food! LOL! Thank you so much Jill!

Pinky Dinky Doo

How sweet are these pictures? I am really about to cry as I am typing this post. She is such a big girl! I took these while she was watching 'Pinky Dinky Doo' on TV this afternoon. Wow, it's going by SO FAST!

Little Miracle

She wore this cute outfit again. I think this picture is so sweet!!

Playing With Her Ducky

This little squeaky duck is one of her new favorites. It isn't a new toy but one that we discovered in the middle of one of her 'fits'.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Being a Nurse is HARD WORK

Sorry to disappoint, but I have no pictures to post tonight. I just got home from working a 13 hour day on the unit with 6 patients. I am EXHAUSTED and will have some pictures up tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night; I know I am going to sleep like Ana-Patrick!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tired Girl

You think she had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's today? LOL! She went right to sleep as soon as we started our way home (with her sunglasses on of course!).

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Family Day

We went across the lake today to spend time with the family! As you can see, Ana-Patrick was the star of the show!!

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I thought this was a 'picture perfect' moment with the two of them with their sunglasses on. We were coming home from church so I pulled the camera out and took this pictures before she changed!

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Happy Father's Day

I took this picture of the two of them this morning before we headed out to church! They are BOTH so Cute! Happy Father's Day Rick. You know you are the most WONDERFUL father and she adores you and will adore you her entire life. Thank you for being so great to her!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jump Jump

I had to get the video camera out today when she was going nuts in her jumper. Watch how high she comes off the ground. LOL! This went on for quite some time.


It is the funniest thing that she LOVES wearing her sunglasses. I didn't think that babies (especially our little baby) would keep them on but she does. We went to Barnes & Noble this afternoon and before we went outside we put her shades on. She kept them on the entire way and when we got inside the bookstore Rick took her glasses off. When we ready to leave, the sunglasses went back on and she wore them until we got home! She just sits there and gives me this look like, "Yeah, you know I'm cool!". She makes me laugh!!

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Just Playing

How cute does she look sitting up like a big girl in her new dress that Tia gave her?

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I would like everyone to meet the BEST babysitter in the entire world, Renee. Her and her husband are the music ministers at our church and we are so lucky that she is able to watch Ana-Patrick while I am at WORK!! She started Monday and we didn't know how Ana-Patrick would react, but Renee said that they had fun. I feel so blessed to have Renee keeping Ana-Patrick and I know that she is the best of hands!

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