Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Banana Brush

This is one of my favorite videos of her!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dancing on the Tile

One night this past week, Rick and I were sitting on the couch watching her 'dance' and I looked at him and said, "You know she is probably not going to play sports. You know we are going to have to put her in dance classes?" He just laughed and said, "Yeah, I know." She definitely keeps us on our toes.

Saints Dance

I was working the day this happened, but luckily, Rick caught her on video. If you listen in the background, you can hear the Saints song playing. Rick said that she had been dancing for a while but of course when he wanted to get it on tape she stopped. Isn't she so funny? LOL!

Playing Outside

We love being outside!! Gran, she LOVES her slide!!

First Time on Her Swing

Grandma and Grandpa gave Ana-Patrick this swing set (among many other things) for her birthday. The weather had been so bad that we couldn't get her out there for a while after Rick put the swing together. Last week, it was nice out so we decided to give it a try. She didn't know what to I know she is going to LOVE it and get tons of use out of it. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cutest PJ's

These are her ADORABLE pj's that my mom bought for her a while back. Last night, I saw them and told Rick that we needed to put her in them because I doubt they will fit much longer. She looked adorable as usual and I think she even felt a little prissy in them. LOL!

One Tired Little Girl

I had been at work, but when I got home Rick showed me this picture of how she fell asleep in her chair. She is so funny

My Cake Creation

How talented am I? It was so cute!!
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And then there was Cake...

The cake was HUGE hit, especially with Ana-Patrick. She literally picked up the giant cupcake at one point to bite into it. I made this cake and Jill, my mother, Rick, and I all made about 40 cupcakes for everyone else. I liked this idea so much more than having an additional big cake, since the last one was hardly touched. Ana-Patrick had cake ALL OVER HER FACE. We had to immediately bring her into the bathroom and clean her up because being the nurse that I am...I was paranoid about the icing getting into her eyes. Everything turned out perfect! It was nice and relaxed and just plain ole fun!!

Party Time

These are just a few of the pictures that were taken during her party this past weekend at Ducky Joe's. Ana-Patrick and all of the other kids that were able to make it had so much fun. Thank you to all of our family and friends that celebrated this milestone with us. We love and appreciate all of you!
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Fun

Dance Dance Dance

Another birthday dancing video!!

Birthday Girl

How unbelievably ADORABLE are these 2 pictures? She stuck her entire face right into the cake. It was hilarious. I love you baby girl! Happy 1st Birthday!!

Dancing at Party Number Two

This is one of the many videos that we took Sunday at her SECOND 1st Birthday Party. They had a bubble machine (she is really into bubbles right now) so you can imagine how excited she was to have number one, music to dance to, and number two bubbles at the same time. Watch and enjoy this hilarious video of my little dancing girl!!

Riding her Dog

This was taken while I was at work last weekend. She LOVES the big dog that her "KK" (I think we have switched from Aunt Sissy to KK because Ana-Patrick can say KK). She was going a little nuts!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daddy's Girl

How sweet is this? I just happened to have the camera in my hand (literally) when Rick came through the door this afternoon. She ran up to him and did this. So sweet! She loves her Daddy!!

Silly Girl

I took this video today while she being silly. She runs back and forth from her room to the living room ALL DAY LONG. I don't know how she does! Poor Billy, she likes to torment him. Not really, they are very good 'friends'.

Satsuma Girl

How hilarious his this video? She loves satsumas!! My dad brought them and she would eat about half of a satsuma when someone would eat one. We love that she will eat just about anything!

Playtime with P-Daddy

This video is so adorable! My dad had to do this the ENTIRE time he was here this past weekend. Ana-Patrick would run up and just hop on and wait for him to play. LOL! This is something he has done with her for a long time but this visit she seemed to really find it HILARIOUS! I could watch it over and over.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snuggle up with with Lewis

So her latest thing is every time we say, “Aw...”, she puts her head up against whatever she is closest too. If she isn’t holding any stuffed animal or blanket, she will literally put her head down to the ground and make this face. LOL! Silly girl. Lewis was being so sweet letting her snuggle up to him earlier today.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Eating at the Grown-Up Table

We went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house on Wednesday and as soon as we arrived, Ana-Patrick saw the food that Grandpa had just brought home. We sat her at the “big girl” table and she went to town on a piece of roast beef po-boy. LOL! She will eat ANYTHING and we think that is a wonderful thing. We are slowly transitioning away from the baby food to what I always refer to as ‘human food’. LOL, I don’t know why I always say this but I do.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snuggle Puppy

Aunt Sissy gave Ana-Patrick this gigantic stuffed dog and she absolutely loves it!! She is always snuggling up to it while watching her movies. Thank you KK!!

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Aunt Sissy Time

FINALLY! Aunt Sissy came over. As you can see, the 2 of them had a blast together.
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Her newest game is playing peek-a-boo. She loves it and thinks it's the funniest thing!