Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Cool Word-Art

Friday, June 25, 2010

LSU Dress

 Her cute dress that Tia gave her! It's so cozy and cute! Thank you Jill!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Silly Hat Number 2

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PICTURE SO FAR!! She loves these hats that I find at Michael's. She cracks us up because she will even put them on herself now. LOL! She's the BEST!

Another Bathing Suit

You can NEVER have too many bathing suits!!

Eating at Her Big Girl Table

My baby looks so grown up sitting at her table eating dinner. Wow, has the time flown by! I love my precious gift from God!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Flower Power

This is her funny flower hat that I found at Michael's about a month ago. She wouldn't wear it at first, but one day, she just started wearing it and kept it on for about an hour or two. I think it is hilarious!! 

Saturday, June 12, 2010


This is her Fairy costume that Granna bought her. LOL! It looked so cute on her but she would only keep it on for a few minutes.

Playing in the Pool with Granna

Thank you Granna

Ok, this has to be in the top 10 of my favorite pics of Ana-Patrick so far. This is so sweet. She was telling her Granna thank you for getting the pool. She loves her Granna!!

Her Swimming Pool

Ana-Patrick is so lucky to have such amazing Grandparents. My mom bought her a pool because the one we used last year isn't in working condition anymore. This pool is so nice, has a pump and everything. As soon as we put her in the water, she LOVED it. I was a little afraid that she wouldn't remember it from last year. Thank the Lord for swimming pools!

Having a Moment

I  LOVE this picture so much because they were in her room this morning "coloring" and I snuck up and captured this moment. Ana-Patrick will look back one day and be able to see how much her Granna loves her!

Relaxing So Cool...

Granna took Ana-Patrick and her 2 stuffed animals for a walk this morning while I took a bath!! They had fun and Mom said that Ana-Patrick kept her shades on the entire time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Latino Baby Loving the Salsa

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Popsicle Mouth



Her BFF!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Beautiful Girl

Playing her a Song

Peyton was so sweet to play for Ana-Patrick. She was mesmerized by his ability to play the saxophone. Thanks Peyton, she loves you so much!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Her Latest Face

New Outfit from Sweety