Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today was the day my heart broke. If I never hear Ana-Patrick cry the way she did today ever again, I will be a very happy person. She was due for her next round of immunizations and had to get FOUR shots. Let me fill you in on her latest measurements: 15 lb 8 oz, 26 inches long. When the nurse put her on her stomach on the exam table she immediately rolled over to her back and shocked the nurse. We knew that she was showing a few 'advancements' and the nurse confirmed this for us. Developmentally, she is 6 MONTHS OLD! I knew my baby girl was BRILLIANT! Needless to say, Rick and I are holding our heads pretty high this evening! She cried but only for a few minutes and then was the happiest little girl all afternoon! She really is so good!

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Anonymous April 17, 2009 at 9:23 AM  

They can sure break your heart with their cry. I hope you never have to hear that again. You go ahead and hold your head high, she is a smart girl!

Gran April 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM  

Hey, I knew how smart she was when she phoned me from your cell phone to complain that her Mommy was studying instead of entertaining her. Beauty and brains too.