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Friday, April 3, 2009

The Side-Winder

For those of you who are not familiar with my "side-winder", I am referring to the name my high school friends gave to my smile. I'll have to find a picture from when I was a little girl so you all can see how bad it used to be. My lip was damaged by forceps when my mother gave birth to me, which left me with a crooked smile. I have been noticing in Ana-Patrick's pictures that her smile is crooked sometimes, but not as a result of forceps damage. I guess she just wants to be like me in every way. LOL! In this picture, it is not so pronounced but I chose it because it's a very cute picture. She makes me so happy.

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Anonymous April 3, 2009 at 9:27 PM  

You know I always thought your smile was cute and made you special.