Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Sunday, May 31, 2009

To Grandmother's House She Goes

I took these right before we left to go and visit Grandma and Grandpa!

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Grandma and Grandpa

I love the picture of the three of them! We only got to spend a little time with them today, but we had so much fun. They got to see all of Ana-Patrick's new tricks. What a fun day!

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The Three of Them

They were having a 'moment'. Reggie is so sweet to Ana-Patrick.

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Barney in the House

Before I had Ana-Patrick, I secretly 'knew' she would not be a Barney fan. I guess my little brother, "Uncle James", watched Barney so much growing up, I didn't like him. But as all of you know, nothing ever goes the way we PLAN it. Friday, Ana-Patrick was so fussy and I couldn't do anything to sooth her. I kept praying, "God, give me the answer" and out of nowhere...BARNEY is on the TV screen and Ana-Patrick LAUGHS!! I got down on my knees and thanked God and the creator of the Barney show for the miracle that had occurred. As soon as Rick got home, I rushed to Wal-Mart to buy the first Barney DVD that I could find!

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Family Time

Yesterday, my Uncle Mike, Aunt Sue, and cousin Laura stopped by our house on their way home from Florida. It was the first time they had been to our house (Rick and I have been married for 3 years as of May 27), so it was time! We were so excited to get to visit with them and of course Ana-Patrick was the star of the show. Reggie did try to steal all of the attention.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tiny Little Ring

Isn't her little hand with this little ring so cute? I can't get enough!


I put her PEARL bracelet and her gold RING on today for the first time. Her Granna gave her the adorable ring and it made her look so girly and adorable (something I NEVER thought I would say, EVER). Isn't my angel beautiful?

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tonight's Dinner

I fed her the usual dinner, one vegetable and one fruit, which is normally more than enough. Not tonight! After she finished her pears, she kept opening her mouth like in the first picture which means she is waiting for another bite. So I opened up some applesauce and she ate the entire thing! I guess the teething is increasing her basal metabolic rate which in turn increases her daily intake requirements. (Fancy smancy talk! I know, I am a NURSE {R.N., B.S.N.})

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LOOK HOW BIG SHE LOOKS IN THIS PICTURE! I am about to cry...She is the most adorable thing (even though she is teething and we are facing the moods that go with it). We love her so much!

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Navy Girl

My dad bought her this shirt when I was about 9 weeks pregnant. It is significant because Rick was in the NAVY for 6 years! I think she looks so cute in her t-shirt!! As I am looking at these pictures I am seeing how BIG she is already. I can't believe how fast the time is going by.

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How awesome is my wife! She re-designed our blog site with only moderate help from me...................Ok, really she's taught herself how to do all this stuff on her own and it looks very cool!


Monday, May 25, 2009

What A Day

My sweet little angle...She was so tired!!

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Bright & Colorful

Our friends Chet and Renee came today so I dressed her in this adorable dress that I found at Target. Of course I had to pair it with her Ralph Lauren pink flip-flops. She looked adorable and we managed to keep it on her ALL DAY! We've been having to change clothes a lot every day because she spits up. I am hoping this stops as we transition more and more to solid foods. But she looked so cute and she was so happy today (like she is every day!!)

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Swimming With Her Best Friend

We were swimming yesterday and Grayson was outside next door so I called him over to come and see Ana-Patrick in the pool. Next thing I know, he is back dressed in his bathing suit, towel, and goggles. He is so adorable in the way he interacts with her. She lights up with excitement every time he comes around. I see many more afternoons in the pool with the two of them in the future!

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