Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Caught in the Moment

I had just finished cutting the grass this afternoon and when I came inside I noticed that the house was strangely quiet. I also didn't see Rick and Ana-Patrick so I went to find them and this is what I found! Part of me (the human side) was aggravated that while I had been outside sweating and gasping for air in the extreme humidity, these two had been sleeping. However, the other side of me (the almost-perfect side, lol) just enjoyed seeing them spending quality time together!!

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Anonymous June 9, 2009 at 11:02 AM  

Oh, this look like the way I found them when they "were not" asleep while I was there remember??? LOL HAHAHA!!!!! Love ya Rick : ) But you are correct, how could you get upset at that?