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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Completely Exhausted

Look at these two! Both of them are whooped. I can't blame them though, they've had a tiring day. We all know Ana-Patrick's growing. What we all need to realize is that Whitney has been working full time and she also has to prepare for her State Boards this coming Monday! Whit's made incredible sacrifices from Ana-Patrick's birth to now. She's holed herself up in the office studying for the boards, doing her training courses for work and working her regular shifts. I just want her to know that these sacrifices, though painful right now, will ensure that our family will be strong. I ask that we all keep Whitney in our hearts these next few days as it gets to crunch time. This picture shows that she studies till she drops!

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Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 11:52 AM  

Rick, this has to be one of the sweetest post ever. Those of us who know what all Whitney has been through the past couple of years know what a sacrifice she has made. We also know the trials she went through, only to make her stronger. However, I am not sure anyone has thanked you for standing by her. Thank you and I love you!