Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pictures on the Dock

Laura took me and Ana-Patrick out on the dock to take some pictures with her NEW CAMERA (I am so jealous!). Ana-Patrick was so good! She really is the best baby in the world. She just sat in the little chair picking at the daisies, laughing and smiling. I am so blessed! These are not the pictures taken with Laura's fancy smancy camera, but with my little Sony (I am thankful for my camera. It's a nice one! LOL!) I will try to scan the ones that Laura took so you can see them but these turned out pretty good! She's adorable and I am OBSESSED!! LOL!

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Anonymous July 5, 2009 at 8:35 PM  

OMG!!!!!!!! How sweet are these pics? She has Got to be the cuteist baby in the world!!!!! I LOVE these!!!!