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Friday, July 10, 2009

Sleeping Beauties?

Louis is notorious for hiding out all day but I think that we can all see that he has accepted Ana-Patrick as part of the family. He used to be afraid of her. Now, we can bring Ana-Patrick right up to him and he will let her pet his head, but only for a little bit. She gets so excited to see him and sometimes she just can't hold back and she starts flailing her arms right in his face and big Lou doesn't really care for that. The funniest thing is Louis will crawl right up to Ana-Patrick and lay down by her feet, when he sees that she is sleeping.


Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

This is so sweet & funny at the same time.It is sweet that he curls up with her like that, but it is so funny that he waits until he knows she is asleep.