Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Monday, July 6, 2009

Time for another check-up. :(

Today was her "6/7th month check up and time for another round of vaccinations. Whitney unfortunately had to stay home because my amazing, beautiful, smart, talented wife has her state boards next Monday. (Please keep her in your prayers) These pictures show Ana-Patrick's grandma taking her up to the exam area. Grandma's having a great time being with Ana-Patrick but I think that Ana-Patrick knew something was up. I tell you, she was the star of the clinic this morning...Ana-Patrick was, not my mom. My mom had everyone talking about how she strolled in like a rock star with her sunglasses on! As you can see, she was able to keep her shoes on today. The shoes are the cutest thing, my mom gave them to her after she went to Honduras.

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