Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Saturday, July 25, 2009

What cousins are really good for

My niece Celeste (CC as she wants to be called) came over to our house for a few days. I could tell how excited she was to come up and visit Ana-Patrick by the incessant phone calls earlier this week, just kidding! It's endearing to us actually. CC had fun playing with Ana-Patrick until it came out, the thing that young family members inexplicably do, get the younger to eat something 'new.' This is a rubber frog that Ana-Patrick picked out herself and she normally plays with it just fine. Then, CC started dangling it in front of her face. We all know now what will happen....yep Ana-Patrick proceeded to eat the frog. You can see that there was no nibble or taste involved, the little girl went for the whole head!

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