Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Thursday, September 24, 2009

It Has Already Begun

So, first of all, we apologize that it has been so long since our last post. I had a really rough weekend last weekend at work, losing my first patient. That was only a part of it, but I did manage to make it through the weekend but its taken me this entire week to catch up emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Which leads me to these next few postings. In these pictures above, I had been in the back for a few SECONDS and when I came out to the living room, this is what I found...she has discovered how much fun it can be to remove AS MANY DVD cases from the shelf and slide them around on the floor. Pray for Rick and I as we enter into this new stage of her It's going to be a blast!!


Anonymous September 29, 2009 at 12:11 PM  

Just get ready, this aint nothing!!!!! But look how much fun she is having & how cute she looks!!! How could you possibly get on to that????