Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tiger Girl

This afternoon we made a quick pass by Tiger Mania, our LSU/Saints store in Mandeville, because Ana-Patrick can no longer fit into her Reggie Bush jersey. She is going to Shreveport for the weekend (I know, I am going to have an emotional breakdown leaving her for the first time), and my aunt has ordered me to pack her LSU/Saints attire for the games. I was looking at the t-shirts on the other side of the store when these two goof-balls walked up and this is what I unbelievably adorable is this picture? It is definitely one of my overall favorites of the two of them together. Both of their faces display genuine happiness and pure joy! I am so thankful that God has provided for our family and I know that he is going to continue to work in our lives. Please keep us in your prayers. Rick and I need the ability to adjust our lives to her ever-changing mobility and the fact that she is into EVERYTHING! Thanks so much and hope you enjoy this picture!


Anonymous October 9, 2009 at 9:31 AM  

The two of them look like they are up to "no good". the first of many I,m sure.

Rick M. October 10, 2009 at 12:44 PM  
