Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are You Kidding Me??

 So, you would think that my parents would come back from California with some nice pretty dresses and such for our little girl, right? Well, they did in fact bring back some very nice clothes and a sweet pair of shoes but this really??? At first when Whitney saw the Juicy label inside the goody bag, she thought, 'How sweet, your parents got me a Juicy Couture outfit!'. Then as she pulled the track suit out of the bag, something was amiss! The blue velour track suit was for Ana-Patrick. Whitney was miffed (not really) but Ana-Patrick had to get into her gear. She loved wearing it and couldn't get to the phone to call Grandma and Grandpa to thank her for all her gifts, but mostly this sweet suit. She'll be the talk of town when she's strutting her stuff (like she already isn't?). Thank you mom and dad, all the clothes were awesome and exactly what she needed. I'll also make a point to say that my mom didn't pick out all of the clothes. There is a really cute white sweater and pant set that we're dying to get her in, that my dad picked out.



Anonymous October 11, 2009 at 7:22 PM  

That is what I say too are you kidding me!!! Whatever!!!! If she wasn't so darn cute I would me mad at her.

I have one thing to say Whitney. Now that you have a child you don't get a "prize". It's all about the kids. :( I know, I didn't like it either & I still don't!!! But I guess we just need to be thankful everyone loves our kids & buys for them!! Darn it!!!