Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hurricane Ana-Patrick rolls through Kenner

I don't like joking about natural disasters but there really is no other way to describe the events that transpired at my parents house yesterday. I will post more of the pictures in a little while but I just had to get something up. As you can see, Ana-Patrick was very happy about heading to Kenner, especially since we were bringing Billy with us (they're starting to become inseparable). Ana-Patrick really couldn't wait to show off to everybody because you all know that she is walking now. Bear in mind that this child is not just taking a few steps here and there, she will take off and walk right out of the room if you're not watching! The weather was great so everybody spent some time out front but the real party was in my mom's room. She had everything cleared out because she was hosting an event in the evening, so there was plenty of room for Ana-Patrick to walk around. She had fun with everyone but I think she took a shining to Beau! Ana-Patrick likes to rough house and it was great to see the two of them rolling around the floor. Beau even gave here some Superman flights and Ana-Patrick couldn't smile bigger. As you can see below, when a Hurricane comes to town there is aftermath to deal with. Now all of you can see what it's like for us!!

First out: My Mom.

Next out for the count: Beau, My Dad and Billy.

Finally: Ana-Patrick, completely exhausted!


Anonymous October 18, 2009 at 12:52 PM  

How dare you to compare MY precious baby girl to a hurricane. Look at that little face, how could that even compare? It is called redecorating!!!!!