Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Loving her Tia

Jill didn't realize that Logan had taken this picture of the 2 of them sleeping. I think it's so sweet and it makes me so happy to know that Ana-Patrick is so loved and was looked after better than I could have ever asked for. Thanks Jill, John, Peyton, Logan, Gran, Travis, Sarah, and anyone else that interacted with my baby girl. She had so much fun (she told me so, lol). I'm glad that I was able to overcome my fear of letting her go and take this trip alone.


Anonymous October 11, 2009 at 6:46 PM  

OK....First of all I am going to kill Logan for taking this picture! Second of all, I am going to kill Whitney for posting it on the blog. However, I do have to admit it is times like these that I enjoy most. I could have just sat in my jammies and held her all day every day that I had her. I love this little dear more than words can ever explain!!!