Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Monday, October 26, 2009

Pink LSU

How cute is she in her PINK LSU outfit? Rick's co-worker and his wife (also are friends) gave us this outfit before she was born. I seriously couldn't believe it when I put it on her Saturday and it FIT. WOW!! Now, I have to explain the 3rd picture. Rick and I agreed before Ana-Patrick was born that we would try and teach her to love healthy food, and we would completely avoid the traditional fast food places. My friend, Michelle, has a niece that doesn't know what the yellow 'M' is and I think that is the most amazing thing and admire her mom, Rachel so much. So...this leads me to the chicken nugget. Rick, yes I said RICK, went to Wendy's on Saturday and brought the devil back into our home, lol, (just kidding). I had 3 chicken nuggets and had looked away for about 1.2 seconds only to find Ana-Patrick with the chicken nugget in her mouth. She loved it so much and I couldn't take it away. So, Rick and I have decided that we will occasionally allow her to eat foods like these nuggets, but we will not have her associate the food with the fast food restaurant. Sorry guys, I don't want my little girl to know what a 'happy meal' is. In nursing school, I had to watch several videos and do a paper on the content of fast food and can't even stand the smell now. Now that I typed 4 pages I will end this post by saying all of you who disagree with our decision, please refrain from attempts at convincing me otherwise. I am VERY stubborn and on particular issues in our family, will not budge. Thanks for your concerns but I think she will not have a complex later in life because of this. LOL!


Anonymous November 1, 2009 at 1:57 PM  

Who Knows????? Some one may have already taken her to the golden arch!!!! : )~ HEHEHE.....