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Monday, November 2, 2009

Future Piano Master

Yesterday we went to the mall for a family day out and happened upon this new store, The Learning Express. A friend of mine, Angelle, had bought this toy called "Rody" for her 1 year old girl and she loves it. We saw the toy so we went in the store for Ana-Patrick to check it out. She FELL IN LOVE. Really, she thought it was the funniest thing, laughing so hard at this toy. Of course, Rick and I looked at each other, both thinking, we really shouldn't....but how can we not buy this for her. After about 10 minutes of discussion, Rick came up with the idea that this would be our gift to her for her birthday (yeah right). While the employee was looking for the 'pink Rody' we had to distract Ana-Patrick and so she went to the piano. She automatically sat down on the piano bench, not seen in these videos, and just started tapping away like she has always known what to do. It was the cutest thing ever so of course I said, "Rick, get out the video camera". We sent a few people an email with the video and titled our email, 'Birthday gift idea?'. Seriously, we have to get this for her because how beneficial is music for kids? (She is so spoiled because I always have a developmental explanation for getting a new toy, lol)


Anonymous November 3, 2009 at 3:16 AM  

I miss Ana-Patrick sooooo much.
Tell her how much her Granna loves her and give her bunches of kisses for me.