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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Day with Jess

Today, Ana-Patrick and I went to Slidell and met Jessica, her "Nanny". Ana-Patrick would not ride in her stroller because she thinks she's a big girl now that she can walk all on her own. We got tired of fighting her so I bought this little back pack "harness". No, for all of you out there that are saying, "tsk, tsk, tsk" I didn't put my child on a leash. It says on the package, Child Harness. It is for her own safety. LOL!
**BY THE WAY, I want to tell this story so that Ana-Patrick can look back one day and laugh...
We ran by Toys-R-Us today because I needed to pick up a few things for Ana-Patrick. Of course, I had to go by the DVDs to see if anything new was out that she like. I was looking through the Elmo titles and said, "Elmo Goes Green". Jessica replies with (no lie), "I thought Elmo was RED!!". I almost had an accident in my pants I was laughing so hard. I said, "Jessica, they mean Go Green, for the environment". I saw the light click on and she just went about her business. Ana-Patrick, your Nanny is silly but I am so thankful to have a friend like Jessica. 


Anonymous November 20, 2009 at 6:45 PM  

I think you got her & Billy mixed up!! LOL

OK,sounds like you & Jessica should get along just fine!! Birds of a feather!!!

Unknown November 23, 2009 at 2:13 PM  

I guess you decided not to put up the pictures that show Jessica on her leash... ANYWAY, Jessica is so dingy!! LOL! I love it!