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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Grant’s & Ana-Patrick’s 1st Birthday Party

So, the birthday party was an amazing success. Obviously, we did a polka dot theme with gender neutral colors for both Grant and Ana-Patrick. I bet you are sitting at your computer right now thinking to yourself, “Man, I wonder how much she paid for those cakes?”. Guess what…I paid NOTHING!! My amazingly talented aunt, Jill, made these 3 cakes from SCRATCH. It was also her first time using fondant so she was nervous but I never doubted her ability from the start. They turned out better than I imagined and am so thankful for you Jill. My mom helped with the centerpieces (which are cut out flowers, per Whitney’s hands) and I made everything else. I will post their invitations so you can see my digital art work. The following post will include pictures of Ana-Patrick AFTER being introduced to her very own birthday cake.



Anonymous December 29, 2009 at 9:00 PM  

You are giving me way too much credit Whitney, but thanks.

I'm glad they turned out like you wanted them. You know I will help you any way I can. Also, I love you both and will do anything for you!!!!