Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bear with us as we upgrade our servers

Thanks for being patient with us and our posting. It's been pretty hectic here lately. First, Ana-Patrick's Tia Jill came down from Shreveport to visit us and she brought company with her. Ana-Patrick loved seeing her Tia, Peyton and Travis. Needless to say, we have some pictures to go through and will work on getting them up soon. Also, her CC, Celeste, came over to our house to play with Ana-Patrick and we have those pictures to go through as well. On top of that, Ana-Patrick has been astonishing us everyday by how much she learns. She has such great willpower and determination when we try new things with her. Thanks to all you guys and gals that came over and helped us out and spent some time with the growing little girl and thank the Lord for making it all possible!

oops, as I was reviewing the pictures we had, I realized that Aunt Sissy (KK) also came over and did some swimming with Ana-Patrick as well. Sorry KK, you really are more than an just an afterthought but only by a little bit...