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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Swimming Buddies!

Here's Peyton, Ana-Patrick's cousin swimming with her. She loved it! Peyton would swim around and splash and Ana-Patrick just couldn't get enough. She laughed and kicked along with him. I think she surprised Peyton as to how well she can move herself around the pool. Or course you see her chewing on her foam turtle as she chews on everything these days. Much later after swim time was over, everyone took a bath and was pretty wiped out. You can see Ana-Patrick about to show her gratitude toward Peyton for swimming with her. She gave him a big wet kiss right on the lips! After that, it was just time to chill on the floor.

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Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 1:56 PM  

I think Peyton was most suprised at how long she stayed in the pool. I believe she could "out swim" him. He sooo enjoyed his time with Ana-Patrick this time. He can't wait to see her again. the other day he said, "Mom, ya know, when you go, you just want to go back!!"