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Friday, July 17, 2009

I Want a Bag Like This

Tia, Peyton, and Travis arrived yesterday from Shreveport and boy were we excited! Of course, I know who they really came to see but I'm so glad that they are here. Of course, Tia came with tons and tons of stuff for Ana-Patrick. My entire life Jill has found the most amazing gifts for me, even if it was the smallest thing, it was still the coolest. This has also been the case for all the things she buys Ana-Patrick. She brought Ana-Patrick 3 new pair of sunglasses, a nightgown, pajama-set, and the next post will explain the other gift. She also brought an old cell phone that Ana-Patrick could play with because the toy ones are not good enough. She really knows the difference. She ruined my sister's cell phone because she puts them in her mouth and the drool got inside KK's phone (sorry KK!) So Tia to the rescue, now Ana-Patrick has her own phone (which is so ridiculous if you really think about it, lol). Gran sent her 3 new dresses that she was in desperate need of, really, we were on the hunt for t-shirt dresses because they are the only thing that she doesn't get overheated in. Anyway, these pictures are so cute because they show how excited everyone was to finally see each other!

So to explain the title of the post, "I want a bag like this", this is what Rick said after all the gifts were given to Ana-Patrick. It reminded me of Mary Poppins bag, it seemed as though anything could fit in it. Tia has magic powers!

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Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 1:13 PM  

Now Rick,remember you DID have a prize in the "bag". Tia brought you a book of "useless" knowledge.

As for having magic powers, if I did, I would "POOF" Ana-Patrick to Shreveport everyday. So.....

Anyone who knows the "connection" between Whitney & I will understand why Ana-Patrick is sooo special to me. I consider them both "my" babies. My first job I was 16, & it was @ a children's clothing store. I never brought home a paycheck, I spent them all on clothes for, guess who, WHITNEY!!! So, I guess I have fallen into the same habit with Ana-Patrick. Only one thing wrong, I don't work, so I don't have a paycheck. : ) So I guess we should say thanks John!!!