Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Move Over...

So as you can see somebody has become pretty attached to his little sister! Lewis will jump up beside her anytime she is sleeping on the couch (which doesn't happen much anymore because she now naps in her crib....i know, how good are we?) I do have to give 99% of the credit for this transition to Renee Cuvillier, for she is the one who broke us of this horrible! I think these pictures are so sweet. Just to add, if you look closely, Celeste is sitting on the other sofa! We had so much fun when she came to visit! We love you Celeste!!

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Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 2:22 PM  

Again, I just think that is so sweet how he does that. But only when he KNOWS she is asleep. But it is also sweet how he will come running when he sees you get her blanket out. Then he will curl up on it while she isn't on it. He likes her smell.