Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pack & Play

I had to pull the pack & play back out today because she is into everything and I was completely exhausted from constantly having to pick her up and move her back on her mat. She actually LOVED being in the playpen. I put her DVD's in and she just played away. Her new favorite thing is puppets, so I sat in front of her for a while playing puppet master. I can't even imagine how difficult it's going to be to watch her when she starts walking. I am so glad that she is developing like this and becoming more and more independent.

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Anonymous July 30, 2009 at 2:37 PM  

OH MY MY MY!!!!! It has only just begun. Enjoy it while you can. Before long you will put her in there & the next thing you know she will be climbing out. She is just too smart for her own good!!!