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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tug of War!

These two were pretty fired up during the game today, so they decided to go at it with a game of tug of war. This went on for a few minutes with each one winning a round. In this match, Ana-Patrick threw in the towel because the commercial was over and the game came back on, serious!

Oh yeah, she's ready!

Ana-Patrick's ready for some football! She specifically asks to get into her Saints' jersey right before kickoff, really she does. I may have to get her a new one though because she's growing so quickly! This one is her Reggie Bush onesie jersey and it's already too small and it's a 12 month size! We both know that it's preseason but all that really means to both of us is, these are the weeks when we try different gear, chants, whatever. She's just as ritualistic and superstitious as I am, she told me so!

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New chew toy

I bet you were expecting to see Billy with a big bone or something like that! Well, as you can plainly see, it's Ana-Patrick who's acquired the new chew toy. I can't blame her for chomping on this bottle, it was filled with ice and water. She's been growing some new teeth, at least that's what we can figure because she chews everything and I mean everything. This ice bottle must have felt pretty good on her gums. Billy just sat there watching her the whole time. I don't really see him being a protective, keep Ana-Patrick out of trouble kind of dog. More like, a partner in crime kind of dog!

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Where one goes, the other follows...

This one is from yesterday but as you can see, these two are becoming inseparable. We have a hard time keeping Ana-Patrick away from Billy's kennel and at the same time we can't keep Billy away from her toys. It really is amazing how well they get along with each other. I think that Billy knows he's Ana-Patrick's puppy.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Playing With Grandma and Grandpa Mendoza

Ana-Patrick had an amazing afternoon with her Grandma and Grandpa. I love these pictures!! Ana-Patrick is so lucky to have such amazing grandparents that love her and give her SO MUCH attention! We love you both!!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sorry it's been a while since the post. I worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights and I am catching up around the house. I will post some new pictures later on this evening!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Suprise Party

Well, Rick, KK, and Renee managed to pull one over on me. This is the 2nd time Rick has been able to plan something without me finding out. I am so annoying when it comes to planning and not knowing exactly what is going on at all times. LOL! Seriously though, I was so shocked when Rick and I came home after our FIRST DATE alone since Ana-Patrick was born, to see the house decorated and my friends and family at the house. It was so cute how KK and Renee had decorated the kitchen with streamers and Renee made cheese dip and brought a cookie cake. I really am so blessed to have such great friends and family. Thank you so much Renee, Chett, Michael, KK, and Rick! It was a birthday I will cherish forever!!

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Look Who's Back

My mom and dad just can't stay away. I love it! Every time I post a video of Ana-Patrick they pack up and drive 3 hours to come and see her because the videos make them miss her so much. I love this picture and I'm so glad Ana-Patrick will be able to look back on all of these memories and know how loved she is! We are so glad to have you here mom and dad!

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Poor Little Knees

Ana-Patrick is crawling all the time now and she can really move! Look at her poor little knees from the carpet. They make these sock-like leggings that go over babies' knees to protect them from the carpet so I am on the hunt for those tomorrow. She loves being able to crawl and is becoming so independent. It makes me sad because she doesn't want to be held as much anymore. She's growing too fast!

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Learning to Share

Rick took these pictures the other day while I was at work. He said that Rick and Ana-Patrick had been playing tug-of-war all afternoon and fighting over toys. I think it's funny watching them because it's like he's her little brother annoying her over playing with her toys. Billy is so good for us because it's teaching Ana-Patrick that she isn't always going to get ALL the attention. (Except when family comes to visit and completely spoil her, lol)

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Cozy in Her Big Girl Bed

A few nights ago, Rick checked the monitor just to make sure she was still sleeping ok and when he did, Ana-Patrick was not in her crib (so he thought). He got a little freaked out and went in her room and this is how he found her...curled up in the opposite corner of her crib. LOL! I think she knows the monitor is there and what it is doing because today I put her down for a nap and she knocked it off the crib. This little girl keeps us on our toes!!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Finally...The Shoes Fit

Sweety ( who is my Gran) gave these shoes to Ana-Patrick a while back and she has been waiting and waiting for Ana-Patrick to be able to wear them. I put them on the other day and finally, they fit. She actually loves the way they feel on her feet. Thank you Gran!!

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Aunt Sissy

Can you tell KK is pretending to be sleeping in this picture? LOL! Ana-Patrick was being so sweet with her Aunt Sissy this afternoon!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Uncle James

Finally, Michael is back from D.C.!!!!!! We were so excited for his visit this past weekend. Ana-Patrick is completely infatuated with him and I love watching the way he plays with her. It was such an amazing weekend! We love you Michael!!

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Playing with her Puppy

Aren't these pictures adorable? She loves playing with Billy! I love the last picture with the three of them. Reggie and Billy play together all the time!

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