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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Look Who's Back

My mom and dad just can't stay away. I love it! Every time I post a video of Ana-Patrick they pack up and drive 3 hours to come and see her because the videos make them miss her so much. I love this picture and I'm so glad Ana-Patrick will be able to look back on all of these memories and know how loved she is! We are so glad to have you here mom and dad!

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Courtney August 20, 2009 at 10:51 AM  

My parents are the same way! I emailed them a picture the other day and my dad replied back asking what our plans were for the weekend. Good thing we don't live more than a few hour car ride away!

Anonymous August 21, 2009 at 4:15 PM  

I know, I can NOT stand being 5 1/2 away. It kills me. I am not sure if I like this blog. I like it, because I can watch her grow up. On the other hand, I hate it because I see what I am missing out on. You know me I can't stand missing out. :(
hehehe!!! I miss you & Rick also!