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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Looking Back

Sorry if this makes anyone sad, including myself, but I was looking back at old pictures of Ana-Patrick today and I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by. I am actually beginning to plan her FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! It makes me happy and sad at the same time. I thought I would give you guys a little look back to the past and remember how tiny our baby girl once was.


Anonymous September 29, 2009 at 12:26 PM  

I know, I can not believe it has already been almost a year. Seems like just yesterday you were born Whitney. Cherish each and every second you have with her. She will grow up fast!!!! However, remember, you also need to enjoy the time you have away from her. That is Mom & Dad time. No that is husband & wife time, like before baby. Every one needs that kind of time!!!!