Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Friday, October 30, 2009

My Adorable Daughter

How cute does she look all dolled up? I love this outfit. Thanks Gran!!

Abuela, I want to Join the COACH Club

First of all...I changed her and how adorable does she look? She has her squeak shoes on and everything. Thank you Gran for giving her this shirt. It's so sweet. Now to address the COACH club....every female in the Mendoza family owns several Coach bags and Ana-Patrick was wanting mine this morning. I don't think so, she already has a Juicy Couture outfit and I am jealous. Ha Ha! She is such a girl it's ridiculous!

Little Monster

LOL! Her Tia gave her this shirt and as you can see, her daddy dressed her this morning. I think she is our little monster sometimes though!

Superwoman Flights

Apparently little missy likes going for Superwoman flights. This was a few weeks back but Beau and Ana-Patrick were having some fun!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pink LSU

How cute is she in her PINK LSU outfit? Rick's co-worker and his wife (also are friends) gave us this outfit before she was born. I seriously couldn't believe it when I put it on her Saturday and it FIT. WOW!! Now, I have to explain the 3rd picture. Rick and I agreed before Ana-Patrick was born that we would try and teach her to love healthy food, and we would completely avoid the traditional fast food places. My friend, Michelle, has a niece that doesn't know what the yellow 'M' is and I think that is the most amazing thing and admire her mom, Rachel so much. So...this leads me to the chicken nugget. Rick, yes I said RICK, went to Wendy's on Saturday and brought the devil back into our home, lol, (just kidding). I had 3 chicken nuggets and had looked away for about 1.2 seconds only to find Ana-Patrick with the chicken nugget in her mouth. She loved it so much and I couldn't take it away. So, Rick and I have decided that we will occasionally allow her to eat foods like these nuggets, but we will not have her associate the food with the fast food restaurant. Sorry guys, I don't want my little girl to know what a 'happy meal' is. In nursing school, I had to watch several videos and do a paper on the content of fast food and can't even stand the smell now. Now that I typed 4 pages I will end this post by saying all of you who disagree with our decision, please refrain from attempts at convincing me otherwise. I am VERY stubborn and on particular issues in our family, will not budge. Thanks for your concerns but I think she will not have a complex later in life because of this. LOL!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Video

Poor Lewis, she loves him so much and doesn't know how to control herself when he's around. He is so sweet and lets her play until she pulls his fur.

Watch Out Lewis

Ok...Rick took these videos the other night while I was at work. Have fun watching them because I laugh every time I see them. Poor Lewis (our cat), he is so sweet to her.

Just Some Cute Pictures

I took these two pictures the other day and I'm just now getting around to posting them. She is so precious!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Day at Audubon Zoo

Tuesday, my sister, and the most beautiful wonderful nanny ever...

Fun Times

Jessica (SHREK); KK (FIONA); Whitney (little man on the right)
Ok, so we were on our way out of the zoo on Tuesday when the photographer approached us to view the pictures he took of us when we first arrived. I was very hesitant but I went along with it. We ended up spending about 30 minutes taking these silly pictures and they are PRICELESS. I was literally about to pee in my pants.

Welcome to Audubon Zoo

I love this picture and will treasure it always. I can't wait to show Ana-Patrick when she is older this picture of the first time she went to the zoo. The 4 of us had a blast. I am so lucky to be able to do things like this with her and look forward to our next outing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Zoo Pictures

Here are some more pics from our trip to the zoo! It was such a perfect day!

Our Day at Audubon Zoo

Here are some pictures from our fabulous day at the zoo! We had the BEST TIME and I love that I am able to have the time to do things like this with Ana-Patrick. She really seemed to enjoy it. I can't wait to do more things with her with the weather cooling off.

Laughing at the Monkeys

How cute is this video? She LOVED THE MONKEYS!!

Monkey Girl

How cute is this video? This is my BFF Jessica holding Ana-Patrick in front of the monkeys at the zoo. She absolutely loved them. I didn't think she would interact and respond so well to the animals but Ana-Patrick really had a fantastic day. We all did. I am thankful for my sister and my friend.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hurricane Ana-Patrick rolls through Kenner

I don't like joking about natural disasters but there really is no other way to describe the events that transpired at my parents house yesterday. I will post more of the pictures in a little while but I just had to get something up. As you can see, Ana-Patrick was very happy about heading to Kenner, especially since we were bringing Billy with us (they're starting to become inseparable). Ana-Patrick really couldn't wait to show off to everybody because you all know that she is walking now. Bear in mind that this child is not just taking a few steps here and there, she will take off and walk right out of the room if you're not watching! The weather was great so everybody spent some time out front but the real party was in my mom's room. She had everything cleared out because she was hosting an event in the evening, so there was plenty of room for Ana-Patrick to walk around. She had fun with everyone but I think she took a shining to Beau! Ana-Patrick likes to rough house and it was great to see the two of them rolling around the floor. Beau even gave here some Superman flights and Ana-Patrick couldn't smile bigger. As you can see below, when a Hurricane comes to town there is aftermath to deal with. Now all of you can see what it's like for us!!

First out: My Mom.

Next out for the count: Beau, My Dad and Billy.

Finally: Ana-Patrick, completely exhausted!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dinner Talk

From recent videos
Rick took this video after he fed her dinner. I could hear them "talking" from the back of the house. She has been talking like this (or yelling) from the time she wakes up until the time she goes to bed at night. We think it's funny until we are in the car and she lets out a loud SCREAM. She's never mad though when yelling, it's her way of playing. LOL!

Snack Trap Close Up

From recent videos
 Here is a funny video of her snacking and watching her movie this afternoon. I laugh every time I watch it.

Snack Trap

From videos
How cute is this video? She will sit and watch Elmo (her favorite at this time) and eat her 'snacks' and drink from her sippy cup. I can't believe how fast she is growing up and how independent she is.

She is Amazing

How impressive is she? We are completely amazed at her new skills every single day!