Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Monday, November 30, 2009

The Other Members of the Family


I feel really guilty that this is my first post about my other ‘children’. These are our other babies, in order from left to right, Lewis, Reggie, and Billy Pauncher. Yes, that’s correct, his name is BILLY PAUNCHER. Long story short…my imaginary friend as a child was named Billy Pauncher. We think Ana-Patrick already may have a friend like this because sometimes Rick and I will be out in the living room together and hear her cracking up laughing. We will back to her room and there’s no one else there (so we think). Baby girl, if you are reading this years later, please know that your mother believed you when you told us you had a ‘friend’ with you that needed a place at the table

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finally…A Picture with Rob

This is Rick’s older brother, Robert, holding Ana-Patrick. We havDSC01487e thousands (I’m not exaggerating) of pictures of Ana-Patrick with various family members but this was the first with Rob. I’m so glad to see this picture and so thankful for our loving families.

Her First Thanksgiving


So, first of all, I apologize that this post is coming so late. I of course, had to work the past 3 days and so I am too tired to blog when I get home. Anyway, these adorable pictures are from her VERY FIRST THANKSGIVING meal that I missed out on. I know I am serving God’s purpose for my life, but it doesn't;t make it any easier to be away from Rick and Ana-Patrick on a holiday. We did have Thanksgiving the weekend before at my best friend, Jessica’s house. Enjoy these pictures!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Buck Tooth

How hilarious is this pacifier? Her Uncle James gave this to her before she was even born. I didn’t think she would like it because she is very particular about her pacifiers, but it turns out that she actually loves it! I will let her wear it whenever she would like.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Thanksgiving

I feel so blessed to have such an amazing friend. Jessica and her family invited Rick, Dad, Ana-Patrick and me over for lunch today. They were celebrating their family Thanksgiving because Jessica and her dad both have work on Thursday, as do I. We had an amazing day, actually felt like they were our family. I love the picture of Ana-Patrick looking back at me. The grin on her face says everything about what I am thankful for this year. I thank God so much for all the blessings I have in my life. Ana-Patrick was so funny with all the family, she wasn’t shy for one second. She ran circles around the house, yelling and talking to everyone. It truly was a day I will cherish always. Thanks Jess!

Waiting at the Bus Stop for Grayson

This past Friday, our neighbor and friend, Mary, needed us to wait for her little boy when he got off the school bus. He’s Ana-Patrick’s best bud and so she really enjoys

going out to the end of the street to wait for him. This is how Rick dressed her to go outside. It was chilly that day, but I don’t know why these pictures make me laugh so hard. She’s so goofy.

Together, They Are a Team

A couple of days ago, I had been folding laundry in Ana-Patrick's room while she was watching a movie and eating her snacks. What happened next is so funny and a memory I will always look back on and laugh. This is what I witnessed...Ana-Patrick had been minding her business, watching her Elmo movie until Billy arrived at the gate to her room (See picture #1). She then moved closer to Billy with her snack cup in hand. I then saw her bend down on all fours, GLANCE back at me, YES that's right, she knew what she was doing. After her 'glance', she slowly slid her hand through the opening in the gate, with a treat in snack in hand of course. Billy started munching away. Ana-Patrick continued to hand Billy snacks until I finally had to intervene. It was so funny but I tried so hard to not let her see me laughing, as I know it's bad for a dog to eat 'human' food. They are so funny together, playing and getting into trouble!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Playing her Piano

 She absolutely loves it. I wish it would have included ear plugs for us though, lol.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Her very own Baby Grand Piano


How Cute is She


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cute New Outfit

I absolutely LOVE this new outfit I bought her this past weekend. She looked so cute today and it is the softest material! I thought it was so funny the way she was sitting on the edge of her chair. She doesn't want to miss a thing.

Bible Study Friends

I took these pictures last night while I babysat the kids of some of the adults in out bible study group. We meet every other week at our house and I am so thankful for our church that provides the best people for us to have in our lives. We had a slight mix up with the babysitter situation last night so I ended up watching the kids. I think these pictures are so cute. Included are: Gage, Abby, Ana-Patrick, and Billy.


I just love this picture. She came running out of her room with her teddy bear that Mom bought her a while back.

New Stroller

Granna bought Ana-Patrick her first baby doll stroller! She loves pushing Rosie around in the stroller. Thank you Granna!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

She's a Big Girl

Last night for dinner, we actually fed her the pick up foods for babies. She has been taking bites of things that Rick and I eat for the past few weeks so I thought it was a good idea to see if she was ready for the transition. She really enjoyed the ravioli and I was shocked that she didn't like the diced carrots. I love these pictures and all the many faces she was making while eating. She definitely keeps me entertained.

Monday, November 16, 2009


This is my favorite picture so far that I have taken of Ana-Patrick. Isn't she just darling?!!

Day with Granna

How cute are these pictures? My mom has been through a lot the past few weeks and we both thank you for all the prayers that you have prayed for our family. I was so glad that she was able to come and be with us and especially Ana-Patrick. She loves her Granna.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


These pictures are from last Wednesday afternoon when Rick got home. I was SO tired from chasing her around ALL DAY LONG! She is into everything, but I love her so much!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Please just watch and enjoy. This is our little girl and we love everything about her.

Just Another Funny Video

This is her latest thing...She takes whatever she can grab and stretch it around the back of her head. The girl definitely keeps us entertained.

Our Day with Jess

Today, Ana-Patrick and I went to Slidell and met Jessica, her "Nanny". Ana-Patrick would not ride in her stroller because she thinks she's a big girl now that she can walk all on her own. We got tired of fighting her so I bought this little back pack "harness". No, for all of you out there that are saying, "tsk, tsk, tsk" I didn't put my child on a leash. It says on the package, Child Harness. It is for her own safety. LOL!
**BY THE WAY, I want to tell this story so that Ana-Patrick can look back one day and laugh...
We ran by Toys-R-Us today because I needed to pick up a few things for Ana-Patrick. Of course, I had to go by the DVDs to see if anything new was out that she like. I was looking through the Elmo titles and said, "Elmo Goes Green". Jessica replies with (no lie), "I thought Elmo was RED!!". I almost had an accident in my pants I was laughing so hard. I said, "Jessica, they mean Go Green, for the environment". I saw the light click on and she just went about her business. Ana-Patrick, your Nanny is silly but I am so thankful to have a friend like Jessica.