Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Saturday, December 26, 2009


So, Ana-Patrick COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED HER CAKE!! I mean, it was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed my little girl do. Meanwhile, Grant is sitting right next to her picking at his cake every-so gently, eating away. I had cake in my hair, it was on the wall, floor, EVERYWHERE. I love that this is how she reacted because only MY child would do this!! I love you Ana-Patrick and thank you for all of the laughs you bring to my day!!



More Birthday Pictures

I love these pictures so much! They show how much we both love our little girl. She is the best!! This was such a special weekend, one we will NEVER forget!


Grant’s & Ana-Patrick’s 1st Birthday Party

So, the birthday party was an amazing success. Obviously, we did a polka dot theme with gender neutral colors for both Grant and Ana-Patrick. I bet you are sitting at your computer right now thinking to yourself, “Man, I wonder how much she paid for those cakes?”. Guess what…I paid NOTHING!! My amazingly talented aunt, Jill, made these 3 cakes from SCRATCH. It was also her first time using fondant so she was nervous but I never doubted her ability from the start. They turned out better than I imagined and am so thankful for you Jill. My mom helped with the centerpieces (which are cut out flowers, per Whitney’s hands) and I made everything else. I will post their invitations so you can see my digital art work. The following post will include pictures of Ana-Patrick AFTER being introduced to her very own birthday cake.


Her Very First Birthday Party


My little angel has had her 1st birthday party already. I really CANNOT believe that it has been a whole year already. Wow, it sure went by fast. The post to follow will include more pictures from the party and an explanation of her ‘encounter with the birthday cake’.



Ana-Patrick’s First Christmas Tea

How cute is my precious little girl? Gran bought her this dress and I was so excited because it was THE PERFECT dress for the Christmas tea that we have on Dad’s side of the family every year and I didn’t bring anything for Ana-Patrick to wear (of course, I probably could have found something, but I wanted her to go look for me because I wanted to LOVE her outfit. Thanks Gran!!
a Whitney

Friday, December 25, 2009

Quality Time with Uncle James

View uncle james

I absolutely LOVE these pictures of these 2. Wow! I cannot even put into words the emotions that I feel looking at these pictures. Michael, thank you for being you. Always be you and please never change. I love you so much!

Her Very Own Puppet Theatre


So, Ana-Patrick is really into puppets right now and I think it’s because she has been watching the Baby Einstein DVD’s since she was just a tiny baby. It is the funniest thing watching her watch the puppets on TV so we decided to do a puppet show at her birthday party. My mother, being as talented as she is at sewing, agreed to make the puppets. When we got to Shreveport last Thursday, she gave Ana-Patrick the 6 or 7 puppets that she had made and this is the ‘puppet theatre’ that she made. UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks so much mother, I know one day Ana-Patrick will look back on this and know how much you care for her.

a Whitney

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sharing Dinner with Peyton

Our little girl loves some food…Peyton fixed a plate the other night and Ana-Patrick wouldn’t let him eat. She loves her Peyton!!

Her First Slide

Thank you so much Sweety for her new slide! She absolutely loves it. Unfortunately, the weather hasn’t been nice enough for us to bring it outside, so of course I now I have a slide to add to the ball pit in the living room. Oh well, whatever to keep her entertained.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Starting to Feed Herself

These are a few pictures that I took the other day when Ana-Patrick was feeding herself for the first time. She had so much fun and made such a big mess. Her independence is a good and bad thing for us. We love her though, no matter what.



Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birthday at Ducky Joe’s

On her actual birthday this past Thursday, Jessica, Rick, and I took Ana-Patrick to this indoor play place for toddlers. She ABSOLUTELY loved it!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Birthday Present from Nanny


Jess gave Ana-Patrick this adorable horse toy that she has played with every time we go to the store. She has the baby stroller that goes with this collection (I know...) and so she was so excited to get this gift. Jess, you are so good to me and my little girl. We both love you!


Our 1st Christmas Tree


This post is a little late, but I have been CRAZY busy making invitations, working, and other things. This picture was taken last week at the hospital that I work for. They gave all employees a free, live Christmas tree. This was my first experience picking out a tree and what an amazing one to have with my ‘family’.

Q Whitney Q

My Best Friend


I am so thankful to have such an amazing friend. God knew that after losing Cassidy, I desperately needed someone in my life to share the different things in life with. Jessica has been there for me, she loves my daughter, and we have so much fun together. Thank you Jessica for ALL that you do!!
