Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tiger Girl

This afternoon we made a quick pass by Tiger Mania, our LSU/Saints store in Mandeville, because Ana-Patrick can no longer fit into her Reggie Bush jersey. She is going to Shreveport for the weekend (I know, I am going to have an emotional breakdown leaving her for the first time), and my aunt has ordered me to pack her LSU/Saints attire for the games. I was looking at the t-shirts on the other side of the store when these two goof-balls walked up and this is what I unbelievably adorable is this picture? It is definitely one of my overall favorites of the two of them together. Both of their faces display genuine happiness and pure joy! I am so thankful that God has provided for our family and I know that he is going to continue to work in our lives. Please keep us in your prayers. Rick and I need the ability to adjust our lives to her ever-changing mobility and the fact that she is into EVERYTHING! Thanks so much and hope you enjoy this picture!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I took these pictures this evening when she had been eating a little cracker for the 1st time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The End Result

I'd say they had a wonderful time!! This little girl was worn out, lol!!

More Family Fun

Playing with Grandpa

Ana-Patrick and Rick went to Grandma and Grandpa's last Sunday while I was working and these are some of the adorable pictures they brought back! Looks as though she had a great time! I miss you guys and can't wait to see you!

No Words to Describe

I will let this amazing picture speak for itself!!

Hey Fightin Tigers

I can't believe this outfit fits her already. I remember when Ms. JoAnne gave this to me for Ana-Patrick and thinking 'she won't be able to wear this for a while'. Well, I guess she is growing up so fast I don't even realize it. How cute is she?

It Has Already Begun

So, first of all, we apologize that it has been so long since our last post. I had a really rough weekend last weekend at work, losing my first patient. That was only a part of it, but I did manage to make it through the weekend but its taken me this entire week to catch up emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Which leads me to these next few postings. In these pictures above, I had been in the back for a few SECONDS and when I came out to the living room, this is what I found...she has discovered how much fun it can be to remove AS MANY DVD cases from the shelf and slide them around on the floor. Pray for Rick and I as we enter into this new stage of her It's going to be a blast!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Excuse Me...What Time is It?

Ana-Patrick and I met KK in Baton Rouge today at the mall and we found her this tiny watch! It is so adorable and she kept it on until Rick had to take it off to give her bath tonight. LOL! My little girl is so hilarious!

Granna's Girl

I love these 2 pictures! Ana-Patrick was pretty attached to my mom's hip all weekend. Thanks mom! LOL! Now, she wants to be held ALL DAY LONG!!

Uncle Robert and Almost-Aunt Jenny

I finally got to spend time with Robert and Jenny again. They are currently living in Austin, Texas so the drive to Lake Charles is one they are able to make. Ana-Patrick, Chelsey, and I made the trip in and had an awesome weekend. Robert was making Ana-Patrick laugh with Mary, my parents dog. We love you guys!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finally, it Fits

Rick's mom and dad gave this outfit to Ana-Patrick a while back and I was so excited when she wore it to church on Sunday. She looked adorable and seemed to be rather comfortable in it. Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Looking Back

Sorry if this makes anyone sad, including myself, but I was looking back at old pictures of Ana-Patrick today and I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by. I am actually beginning to plan her FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! It makes me happy and sad at the same time. I thought I would give you guys a little look back to the past and remember how tiny our baby girl once was.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Valiant Effort

Ana-Patrick tried everything she could to try to stay up for the big game last night and as you can see in the progression of these pictures, she didn't quite make it. She did earn an 'A' for effort though, she made it up until 10 minutes before the 9:30PM kick-off. I played no part in her staying awake, she did that all on her own. It's amazing that she really does like watching sports with us, although she'll have to start learning all the LSU cheers next week. Oh, before the comments start, I was reminded that there was supposed to be a tutu that went with this outfit. Just bear with me and remember that I am Dad and it should be expected that dressing errors will be made!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

She is So Sweet

My mom bought this outfit yesterday and I think she looks adorable. I love how she scrunches her nose when she smiles! Well, I am off to work...pray that I have a good night!
Name Graphics