Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Thursday, July 30, 2009

I just want to say that I have the most amazing aunt in the entire world. If you look at the comment counter, she is in the lead. Jill, thank you so much for everything you do. I love you so much and don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for taking the time to post all of the comments. I love them!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pack & Play

I had to pull the pack & play back out today because she is into everything and I was completely exhausted from constantly having to pick her up and move her back on her mat. She actually LOVED being in the playpen. I put her DVD's in and she just played away. Her new favorite thing is puppets, so I sat in front of her for a while playing puppet master. I can't even imagine how difficult it's going to be to watch her when she starts walking. I am so glad that she is developing like this and becoming more and more independent.

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We Finally Did It

Guess what? Ana-Patrick is FINALLY sleeping in HER crib in HER room. I started working nights this past weekend so Rick started the transition while I wasn't here. I wouldn't be able to listen to her cry without going in and getting her. We took these pictures last night because I am so proud of our little girl and really so proud of us. We had become so attached to her being in the room with us and I am still kind of sad that she isn't in our room at night. She loves her bed and sleeps all through the night. We are blessed!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gabby Was Here Too

I want to add these pictures from last weekend. Rick took these when Gabby came to pick Celeste up last Saturday afternoon. Ana-Patrick loves Celeste and Gabby so much and she even cried when they left. It was so sad. We love you girls!!

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39 Hours In 3 Days

Hello everyone! I'm finally finished with my 3 back to back 12 (they are really 13 hour) hour shifts and my work week is COMPLETE! Because I am still in orientation, I have a critical care class on Thursday, but normally I would be off until Saturday 7pm!!! The 3 shifts in a row is very difficult and physically, mentally, and emotionally draining, but well worth the entire week that I am able to spend with my daughter!! So now you guys can expect daily post on our blog! Hope all is well! God is so faithful and I am amazed at his blessings every single day!

Move Over...

So as you can see somebody has become pretty attached to his little sister! Lewis will jump up beside her anytime she is sleeping on the couch (which doesn't happen much anymore because she now naps in her crib....i know, how good are we?) I do have to give 99% of the credit for this transition to Renee Cuvillier, for she is the one who broke us of this horrible! I think these pictures are so sweet. Just to add, if you look closely, Celeste is sitting on the other sofa! We had so much fun when she came to visit! We love you Celeste!!

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

That's not all that she do...

She makes a tremendous mess too!! This is just a snapshot of what we have to contend with. Every now and then we give her one of these Gerber cookies as a snack and to entertain herself. She likes them but she gets cookie everywhere! Also, good luck to either one of us who tries to stop her for just a minute to do a little cleanup, it doesn't happen. The good side is that it sure is good entertainment watching her eat one.

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What cousins are really good for

My niece Celeste (CC as she wants to be called) came over to our house for a few days. I could tell how excited she was to come up and visit Ana-Patrick by the incessant phone calls earlier this week, just kidding! It's endearing to us actually. CC had fun playing with Ana-Patrick until it came out, the thing that young family members inexplicably do, get the younger to eat something 'new.' This is a rubber frog that Ana-Patrick picked out herself and she normally plays with it just fine. Then, CC started dangling it in front of her face. We all know now what will happen....yep Ana-Patrick proceeded to eat the frog. You can see that there was no nibble or taste involved, the little girl went for the whole head!

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In the pool again

We officially have a water baby. Ana-Patrick absolutely loves going in the pool. Aunt Sissy came over the other day and went swimming with her. KK's been over here quite a few times and still gets impressed at the milestones that Ana-Patrick is making, even in the pool! Ana-Patrick used to just recline in her ladybug floater and wade her legs back and forth. Now she sits herself upright in the floater. Don't get misled though, to her there's nothing better than kicking back and letting the headrest support her. Only now, when she wants, Ana-Patrick will really kick her legs and get some good movement and wave action.

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Vroom, Vroom!!!!!!

These days I can't remember which day is which, so I'll say the other day we decided to get Ana-Patrick some wheels. At first she was a little apprehensive but it didn't take long for her to warm up to this new idea. It's a little tougher on the carpet but she was definitely moving. She started walking backwards almost immediately but once we helped her use her legs to push forwards, off she went. OK, she didn't start running around quite yet but she did have a blast. As you can see yet again, it didn't take very long for her to figure out how to chew the 'hand' toys that are on the walker. And at the bottom you can see her walking with less resistance on the tile. She was really happy when she realized that she could push and make bigger strides!

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Swimming Buddies!

Here's Peyton, Ana-Patrick's cousin swimming with her. She loved it! Peyton would swim around and splash and Ana-Patrick just couldn't get enough. She laughed and kicked along with him. I think she surprised Peyton as to how well she can move herself around the pool. Or course you see her chewing on her foam turtle as she chews on everything these days. Much later after swim time was over, everyone took a bath and was pretty wiped out. You can see Ana-Patrick about to show her gratitude toward Peyton for swimming with her. She gave him a big wet kiss right on the lips! After that, it was just time to chill on the floor.

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Bear with us as we upgrade our servers

Thanks for being patient with us and our posting. It's been pretty hectic here lately. First, Ana-Patrick's Tia Jill came down from Shreveport to visit us and she brought company with her. Ana-Patrick loved seeing her Tia, Peyton and Travis. Needless to say, we have some pictures to go through and will work on getting them up soon. Also, her CC, Celeste, came over to our house to play with Ana-Patrick and we have those pictures to go through as well. On top of that, Ana-Patrick has been astonishing us everyday by how much she learns. She has such great willpower and determination when we try new things with her. Thanks to all you guys and gals that came over and helped us out and spent some time with the growing little girl and thank the Lord for making it all possible!

oops, as I was reviewing the pictures we had, I realized that Aunt Sissy (KK) also came over and did some swimming with Ana-Patrick as well. Sorry KK, you really are more than an just an afterthought but only by a little bit...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Her First Makeup Bag

Ok, first of all I have to say that if you would have asked me 7 months ago if I would let Ana-Patrick have a toy make-up bag, I would have said definitely no way! I guess they say 'never say never' for a reason because I think this is the cutest toy. It is all stuffed animal like 'make-up' items like lipstick, lotion, a powder brush and powder and they all fit inside the bag. Ana-Patrick loves it!

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They are Here!

Travis, Tia, Ana-Patrick, and Peyton posing for a picture right after they got here! I love how Ana-Patrick is looking up at Peyton in this picture!

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